Объективы и линзы
For various applications in |
Properties |
Objectives and Lenses |
Objective partec 20x0.65 quartz, air, working distance 2.0 mm |
03-0202 |
Objective partec 40x0.80 quartz, air, working distance 0.8 mm |
Objective 40x1.25 quartz, glyc., working distance 0.5 mm |
Objective 50x 0.82, air |
Optical gel for partec immersion microscope objectives, 25 g |
Partec has designed a series of microscope objectives with emphasis on high UV light transmission and long working distance. This combination is ideal for many research applications. The optical perФормаance is superior compaкрасный to other conventional objectives. The lens system of Partec’s objectives is made entirely out of fluorescent free SUPRASIL synthetic quartz substrate only, which permits superior transmission of light down to 200 nm. Objectives are assembled without the use of optical glues which usually have a limited lifetime and which may exhibit high autofluorescence.
Lenses are composed without glue in order to avoid destruction and trans-mission losses even in the UV.
High power continuous wave (cw) and pulsed laser beams are focused without lens damages. Low temperature experiments can be perФормаed as well.
Partec objectives are corrected for infinity (tube length infinity) in order to have parallel output beams. Additional experimental setups can be added at any distance from output aperture. Calculation was perФормаed for a single wavelength (436 nm) in order maintaine high light gathering power (numerical aperture NA).
The housing has standard length and industry standard RMS (0.8 inch 36-TPI) mounting thread.
Consider the immersion glycerine lens for highest numerical aperture (NA = 1.25) with a large working distance of 0.5 mm. High viscosity immersion gel for any experimental orientation and stable longterm coupling is available.
Broadband (UV or visible) antireflection coatings or laser line coatings are available for these objectives upon customer request.