Частицы для ежедневного  контроля качества                               Partec Foow Cytometry

Particles for Daily Quality Control and Alignment

CountCheck - Reference and QC Beads for Absolute Counting


Partec CountCheck with medium concentration analysed on a Partec PAS system

• Absolute counting quality control and reference beads
• Concentration between 20,000 and 300,000 per мл
• Control for instrument perФормаance
• Stable beads suspension

Kit of ready-to-use Продуктs with three different beads concentrations of 20.000, 100.000, and 300.000 CountCheck beads per мл. Approved concentrations with each lot.

Partec CountCheck provides a range of appropriate bead concentrations as quality control for flow cytometers with and without volumetric absolute counting feature.

The CountCheck beads may be used to confirm the absolute counting results using Partec FCM devices or DAKO Galaxy systems.



Научно-производственная фирма «VitaS»

   480057 Казахстан, г. Алматы, 

ул. Айманова, 193, офис 61,

тел./факс (3272) – 75-42-43, 75-07-74, 74-12-99 

E-mail: vitas@nursat.kz

Последние изменения : Thursday September 14, 2006 .