Для клеточного ДНК Анализа
Гистограмму ДНК и общего белка в исследованных клетках можно получить с помощью комплекта реагентов "CyStain DNA / Protein" на Клеточном счетчике CCA Counter Counter Analyser CCA-II
DNA histogram of bull sperms. "CyStain DNA 2 steps" kit analysed with Partec Cell Counter Counter Analyser CCA-I
DNA staining kits for mammalian cells
Easy-to-use Продуктs
Fast and reproducible results
Applications in cell cycle analysis, determination of ploidy and aneuploidy, cell profileration, and kinetic studies
The ploidy analysis using Partec CyStain is based on a DAPI (4, 6-diamidino-2-phenylindole) staining of the DNA of individual nuclei. CyStain requires a flow cytometer equipped with UV excitation by a mercury arc lamp or a UV laser.